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Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.







  1. Industry Skills Statements 這項服務適用於需要申請水電工程類認證的人士。
  2. Early Years Services 這項服務適用於本身持有幼兒教育資格並有意從事幼兒教育相關行業的人士。
  3. Visas and Nationality Services 這項服務適用於根據其簽證要求需要向英國內政部(Home Office)證明其學歷或英語能力程度的人士。BNO Visa 5+1計劃中的其中一項永居權申請要求就是要符合所規定的英語能力要求,如你持有大學學位且有關課程乃以英文授課,則可向所屬大學申請學歷證明,要求學校證明學位只以英語授課,再透過這項服務取得認證。
  4. Statement of Comparability 這項服務適用於為求職就業、升學、專業資格登記或其他原因就其海外學歷取得英國認證的人士。

Spaceship將會以求職為例,集中介紹一般移民英國港人有機會使用到的認證服務,亦即是第4項—Statement of Comparability,手把手教你取得認證。

Statement of Comparability服務

ECCTIS的Statement of Comparability認證服務可以將在英國以外地方獲取的學歷、專業資格及公開考試成績(如香港的中學文憑考試(DSE)、舊制下的會考(HKCEE)及高級程度會考(HKAL)),透過與英國的教育體系進行對比,認證為英國對等的學歷,方便申請人利用有關認證報讀英國學校或於當地求職。由於這項服務可將中學公開考試成績與英國的GCSE進行框架對比,所以對於想到英國升學或並未持有大學學位的人士都十分有用。不過這項認證只會將學歷與英國教育體系的框架進行對比,而不會提供等級對比,亦即證明書上不會列出對應的學位等級或考試科目成績等級。

另外,在你註冊賬戶之後,你將會獲派一個UK ENIC參考編號,而有關編號亦會列印於認證證書上,可供僱主或有關組織向UK ENIC核實有關認證。




  1. 畢業證書
  2. 成績表
  3. 公開考試成績證明書
  4. 如上述文件並非以英文發出,另需附上經認證的翻譯本**
  5. 可經網上付款的信用卡或扣賬卡


** ECCTIS有為Statement of Comparability服務提供豁免翻譯服務”Translation Waiver service”,你可透過支付40英鎊(另加增值稅)代替上載翻譯本。但由於上述服務只適用於Statement of Comparability服務,事後亦不會向你提供文件的翻譯本,所以假如你本身需要取得翻譯本以作其他申請用途(如申請ECCTIS的上述第1及3項服務),可使用其推薦的翻譯服務Dialexy,最低費用為£35(+VAT)。



Statement of Comparability服務本身的費用為49.5英鎊,另根據收件地址加上適用的郵費及20%增值稅(VAT)。舉例而言,假如你希望ECCTIS將認證證明書寄往香港,費用會是49.5英鎊+郵費;而寄往英國地址的費用則為49.5英鎊+郵費+VAT。


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


#郵遞時間僅供參考,尤其是英國郵政服務Royal Mail不時發生罷工情況,所以選擇郵遞方式前最好查看相關新聞或消息


當ECCTIS確認你所提交的文件及付款沒問題後,一般會於10至15個工作天內完成處理你的申請。如你急需取得認證,則可加購其急件服務”Fast Track service”,選擇在一或兩個工作天後獲批認證(但不包括郵遞時間),費用分別為174英鎊及124英鎊。有關費用已包括郵費(郵遞至香港會使用國際掛號,而寄往英國地址則使用Royal Mail特派保證服務),其中國際郵遞方式可付費轉為國際速遞,價錢同上。




1. 進入ECCTIS網站後,在頁面右上角”Sign in”一欄選擇註冊賬戶

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


2. 選擇註冊個人服務項下的賬戶

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


3. 填寫個人資料

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


在”Purpose of Enquiry”選擇想獲取認證的原因,就本例子而言可選擇”Employment”

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


如你的目標並未明確,可選擇”Preparation for Life and Work”

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


4. 登入電郵查閱由系統發出的郵件,透過所附連結確認電郵地址及完成註冊

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


5. 回到網站重新登入後,選擇”Start your application”開始申請

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


6. 在”Statement of Comparability”項下按照需要就處理申請所需時間選擇所需服務

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


7. 按”Add Qualification”填寫學歷資料,最多可加入六項

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


8. 上載學歷證明 注意:系統只接受JPG、GIF、BMP、TIFF、PNG及PDF檔,以及每個檔案最多為5mb

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

選取完所需檔案後記得按”Attach File”加入檔案。如想認證公開考試成績,則”Transcript”及”Final Certificate”兩欄均上載成績單便可

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


9. 填寫聯絡及郵寄地址等資料

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


10. 選擇郵遞方式


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

11. 確認費用,並在頁底按”Click here”進入下一頁確認接受相關條款

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


12. 按”Make Card Payment”進入付款頁面,選擇付款方法及填寫付款資料,付款後申請便告完成了!

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.
