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物流自動化再進擊 Spaceship Pro Product News

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.在全新的Spaceship Pro啟動後,我們的產品更新依然持續加速,快來一起體驗太空寄件!

What you'll learn in this article

1. 托運服務連動綁定 – 順豐速運

大多的電商用戶在使用或加入Spaceship Pro前早已有自己常在使用的托運服務。了解到用戶的需求並提供更彈性的服務,我們開啟了 托運服務綁定 的新功能,讓用戶能夠加入自己原有的托運服務與特約優惠到Spaceship Pro一併使用

如果您有順豐速運的特約帳號,現在即可將其加入Spaceship Pro的設定裡面,將您既有的優惠價格一併加入做使用。

點擊 設定,進入 托運服務 並輸入您的月結單帳戶號碼

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


  • 在綁定您專屬的順豐速運帳號後,您將無法在使用Spacehip Pro的順豐速運優惠
  • 在輸入您的順豐速運帳號後,系統將會需要4-5個工作天來進行作業

未來我們將會開啟更多 托運服務的綁定,敬請大家期待。

2. 包裹最小公斤數0.05,運費精準更划算!

運費計算一直以來都是電商用戶最在意的寄件需求,尤其包裹的重量對其影響最大。Spaceship Pro 將包裹的最小公斤數進化到 50g (0.05kg) ,再小的商品都能被精確計價,無需再擔心多餘的收費問題。

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

3. 多包裹單一運件寄出,追蹤更方便

針對同一網店客戶下訂的多筆訂單,又或是在不同時期下訂的訂單,現在都可以以單一運件的模式寄出。 Spaceship Pro 現在已可以在同一筆運單內,增加不同的包裹選項,讓用戶能夠更輕易地管理運件外,也只需提供一個追蹤運單URL 給客戶,讓雙邊都能省去時間跟精力,輕鬆查看運件。

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


  1. 批量運單匯入 目前並不支持多包裹單一運件服務
  2. Spaceship Air & HK Post 目前並不支持多包裹單一運件服務,用戶可以使用其他托運服務


4. 自動設定託付服務 – Shipping Automation

在每次批量匯入訂單時,重新設定寄件托運服務與針對路線是很費時並且容易出錯的,Spaceship Pro推出的 物流自動化,讓您能針對不同的寄件路線有指定的托運服務,在運單匯入草稿時能自動輸入您的物流設定,省去手動費時的困擾。

有了 物流自動化,不論是您批量輸入訂單或是導入網店(Ex, Shopify)連接訂單都能更加快速。


點擊 設定,進入 Shipping Automation 輸入您要的指定路線,可以增加 多筆不同物流設定

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.


  1. 所有的物流自動化設定都會顯示在 草稿 訂單資訊裡,用戶可以進一步編輯
  2. 當用戶設定多筆不同的 物流自動化 設定,優先順序會以您設定裡的順序排列,並且只有一項物流設定可以運作在訂單上

Spaceship is the global logistics brand that enables logistic efficiency for worldwide commerce. While Spaceship has an extensive logistics network with carriers to cover most of the deliverable regions in the world, it created Spaceship Pro - a software to automate shipping processes and provide customizable commerce-logistic solutions to businesses.

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